H&R Consultants

Japanese Language

Where to Learn Japanese in Kumamoto

Are you an expat who’s moved to Kumamoto prefecture, and your Japanese doesn’t extend beyond “konnichiwa” and “sayonara”? Then you might be looking to brush up on your language skills to help you in your everyday life. Here are a few places where you can learn Japanese in Kumamoto, including language schools, classes, and private tutoring. Kumamoto YMCA College The Japanese department is based in the Chuo campus of YMCA, where you can study three-month short-term courses ranging from introductory and beginner programs aimed at giving students a good grasp of Japanese used in everyday speaking, listening, reading, and writing through to intermediate and advanced study that prepares for graduate study and jobs with top Japanese companies. Lessons include classroom-based and off-campus learning and the college offers accommodation and social activities. Fees are 198,000 yen (around US$1,400) for three months. Website: https://www.kumamoto-ymca.or.jp/kamitori-nihongo-e/ AQUA Japanese Language Training Center This specialist training facility offers an array of courses and tuition for both groups (maximum of six per class) and individuals on a 1-2-1 basis. One advantage is that you don’t need prior knowledge of Japanese to enroll in beginner-level courses, just a Japanese visa or right to be in the country. Emphasis…

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