Hiroshima Dining
Hiroshima’s Wonderful Oyster Huts and Bars
For those of us who are used to the creature comforts of central heating, double-paned windows, and insulated buildings, winter in Japan – where none of these is the standard – can be uncomfortable at times. Fortunately, there are a few things that can make up for it. In Hiroshima, one of these is that winter means oyster season. The Japan Inland Sea provides most of the nation’s kaki (oysters). There are amazing spots around Hiroshima where you can enjoy this delicacy. What’s more, fried, grilled, steamed, and – less common than you might expect – raw, they won’t cost an arm and a leg as they might back home. Hiroshima Oyster Road Starting with just ten small restaurants in 2010, Hiroshima Oyster Road has since more than doubled in size. It groups together some of the best seasonal oyster shacks along the Inland Sea coast. As all the establishments have some connection to the oyster farms in the area. High quality is a guarantee. These oyster huts are open between mid-October and late May. With 1,500 yen, you’ll get a kilo of fresh, unshucked oysters. There are three huts in Hiroshima — you can find the details on the…