Hiroshima Prefecture
Import Stores in Hiroshima: Your Home Away From Home
People who come to Japan can be divided into three types when it comes to food. The first type is a person who continues to eat a typical Western diet. The second type is the type who decides to abandon all Western foods and “go Japanese” completely. The third type of person looks at both the Japanese and Western diets and swings between the two. Whichever type of person you are, at some point during your time here, you will be very likely be overcome with a craving for some food from your native land. Maybe it will be from the thought of having something from your favorite restaurant or some traditional dish associated with an important holiday. Either way, you will find yourself wanting something familiar, comforting, and (usually) much, much more expensive than you would be able to buy it for back home. So, what do you do when this happens? What do you do when all you want are Tim Tams, Vegemite, Hershey’s chocolate, turkey, refried beans, or anything with spice? Easy. You go to an import store, and in Hiroshima, you’re lucky to have a decent selection to choose from. If you’re downtown, you can head…