Online Shopping Options In Japan
You are not going to get complaints from me about living in Japan. I am generally happy here, but still, I prefer to use products and eat foods from my own country in many cases; decent peanut butter, for example. Maybe in your case, Vegemite? There are lots of products from home that I could do without, but prefer not to. My brand of bathroom soap, deodorant, toothpaste, and vitamins are hard to give up. The afore-mentioned peanut butter, real pancake mix and syrup, granola bars, re-fried beans, salsa, and huge jars of mixed nuts… OK, now I am making myself hungry. If you are looking for western products in Japan, there are a few places online where you can find them. Several sites stock the same things you find in Costco but sell the products separately rather than in bulk. You can also get items shipped from Ikea, and at least one site imports products themselves direct from the United States. Some of it is expensive, some are cheap, and you may or may not be able to get the brand you are looking for, but you can usually find what you need online if you are looking in…