H&R Consultants


How to Ride a Motorcycle Legally in Japan

If you’re living in one of the many urban areas in Japan, chances are you may choose to live car-free since we enjoy access to one of the best public transport systems in the world. Even then, though, there are times where you may wish to come and go as you please and not be tied to the strict timetables of the trains and buses. Or perhaps, like me, you may be looking for an easy way to get out of town and hit the beaches or mountains without being tied to a hard schedule. Unlike the headache of owning and maintaining a car in Tokyo, finding parking is usually way easier than for a car, and because they are common sights around “Everywhere Japan” (everything from pizzas to the mail is delivered on a motorbike), other drivers are looking out for two-wheel traffic more often than their foreign counterparts in other nations. Are you experienced? Of course, to operate a motorbike, you’ll need to be properly licensed. You’re able to ride in Japan on a motorcycle license from most countries if you also have an International Drivers License accompanying it; however, this is only valid for one year. If…

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