Nagoya Festivals
Getting To Know You: Nagoya Port
To the south of the city, Nagoya’s port is one of Japan’s busiest, servicing the country’s central region of Japan, the hotbed of the nation’s automotive industry. And I know what you’re thinking: that doesn’t exactly sound like a fun day out, right? And you would have been mostly right up until a few years ago, but the whole area had an entire revamp, turning it into a pretty comprehensive leisure district. With shopping, dining, and numerous family-oriented attractions, it can be a great place to spend the day right into the evening when it is spectacularly lit. Nagoya Aquarium Whether you are a fan of fishes, an admirer of the aquatic, a fan of fins, or feel deeply for the deep blue, there is a lot to enjoy at the Nagoya Aquarium. One of Japan’s biggest and best aquariums, Nagoya Aquarium at Nagoya Port, covers all manner of sea life between Japan and the Antarctic. While stimulating for kids, it still makes a pretty good day out for friends, couples, or even just exploring on your own. The theme of Nagoya Aquarium’s North building is “A journey spanning 3.5 billion years: Animals that have returned to the seas,” and…