H&R Consultants


Visit The Chita Peninsula!

Chita Peninsula, or in Japanese 知多半島 – Chita Hantō, is just south of Aichi Prefecture, east of Nagoya City in Central Japan.   The peninsula itself runs basically north-shouth.  To it’s west lies Ise Bay, to it’s east Mikawa Bay.  If you are looking to get away from the city and find some ocean, the Chita Peninsula is a great choice!  you can make it well out onto the pennisula in about an hour, and there are plenty of things to do. Handa City on the Chita Peninisula Handa-shi is located on the Chita Peninsula, about 1 hour away from Nagoya. It is right on the water, and has many things to see and do. Traditionally, Handa has a strong connection with soy sauce, sake and vinegar brewing; To this day the headquarters of the Mizkan Vinegar Group is located There. If you are interested in making the trek out, why not visit one of these spots as well? Nakano Sake Brewery Nakanoshuzou Website No Entrance Fee, but reservations are recommended. TEL 0569-23-1499   Mitsukan Vinegar Company Guided Tours Mitsukan Website (in Japanese) Reservations Recommended Tel: 0569-24-5111   T’s Cafe Built in 1911, the building is registered as an Important Cultural…

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