H&R Consultants


Volunteering in the Tokyo Area

When living in a new country, offering your free time to help the local community can be a great thing. One such way is volunteering for a nonprofit organization (NPO). Volunteering has a lot of upsides and a few downsides. It is a great way to meet new people when moving to a new town or when finally getting out and about after living in it for some time, and the people you meet there are generally pretty cool. If you want to volunteer for a good cause, there are options here in Tokyo. Hands On Tokyo Hands On Tokyo was founded in December 2006 with a working Board of Directors comprising Japanese and foreign nationals committed to making volunteer activities more accessible and accelerating the growth of volunteerism in the Tokyo area. Hands On Tokyo collaborates with many local organizations to encourage senior citizens, revitalize playgrounds, deliver food to the hungry, support people with visual impairment, and inspire children in children’s homes, among other projects. www.handsontokyo.org Second Harvest Japan Japan has up to 8 million tons of food loss yearly, while one in six people lives below the poverty line. As the only registered food bank in Japan, since…

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