Yokohama City
Flying High in Minato-Mirai
The concept of a gondola in an urban setting isn’t new; they serve as high-speed transport options in places like Bogota, Colombia, and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. There was even a plan to build one to connect the main Olympic venues in Odaiba with Tokyo station and another connecting Tokyo Olympic Stadium to Station floated at one point; however, it morphed into a plan for BRT (Bus Rapid Transit) instead. However, what those plans did spark was an idea to utilize gondolas as a way to provide yet another tourist attraction in Yokohama’s Minato-Mirai amusement area and provide a direct way to zip across the collection of inlets and water features separating Sakuragicho station and the World Porters shopping center area. What’s Old Is New Again If you’ve been around the area for the last 30-odd years, you might have a sense of deja-vu; During the Yokohama Exotic Showcase (YES’ 89), there was a temporary one set up in roughly the same area for visitors to the expo. Still, it was quickly dismantled after the expo ended. The Yokohama Air Cabin, however, is a very permanent addition to the scene. The new gondola travels 630 meters and 40 meters above…