Snow is Here, Get Your Gear: Ski and Snowboard Shops in Nagoya
As an avid cyclist who rides daily for their commute, I tend to fear the winter months. Nothing does for the motivation like the icy wind biting at your fingers, nose, and toes. But there is one bright side because, as I ride deeper and deeper into Gifu each morning and the mountains rise ahead of me, their caps increasingly snow-smattered, I am heartened by the fact that the winter sports season is upon us. And so, with our fingers crossed (the last couple of years haven’t been the best for snow), we head into winter, meaning that it’s time to start getting our kit together, sharpening skis and snowboards, and making sure that moths haven’t attacked our winter-wear. But where’s the fun in that? Isn’t it better to get all new gear so you can look your best on the slopes? If you are that way inclined, why not check out some ski and snowboard shops in and around Nagoya. Paddle Club Paddle Club in Sakae is a ski specialist store. It caters to all sorts of skiing styles, including backcountry, powder, and racing. Open from 10:30 to 19:30 Monday to Saturday, and until 19:00 on Sundays and holidays.…