Charity Groups and Events in Tokyo
Tokyo is one of the most populous cities in the world, by some measures, the most populous. While all those people take some getting used to, think “crowded rush hour trains” for example, all those mouths create a market of impressive options as well, from the variety and quality of restaurant and foods available, to the wide array of interest groups from sports to charity, if you can do it, you can likely do it in Tokyo. That being said, its nearly impossible to say how many charity groups and events happen in Tokyo in total, there are simply too many options available. We will highlight a few here that our company has been involved with, but there are many more. If you are interested in getting involved, do it! You can find a more complete list of charities and events here: www.charity-charities.org/Japan-charities/Tokyo.html Run for the Cure Foundation Run for the Cure Foundation, an organization promoting awareness of breast cancer in Japan, is holding their run/walk event in December. This event is also held in Hibiya park, however they upped the distance to 5K/10K run or a 5K walk. For a change of venue outside of Tokyo, they also are…